
Abacus meaning in Bengali, English to Bangla Abacus

By Team MeaningKosh

Abacus meaning in Bengali, English to Bangla Abacus স্লেটের মতাে কাঠামােতে সমান্তরাল কয়েকটি দণ্ডে ছােটো পুতির মতাে গােলক সরিয়ে সরিয়ে গণনা শেখার বা শেখানাের গণকযন্ত্র.

Abacus meaning in Bengali

abacus [°æ-bə-kəs অ্যাবঅকঅস] n. (1) a frame with beads sliding on rods for learning how to count, স্লেটের মতাে কাঠামােতে সমান্তরাল কয়েকটি দণ্ডে ছােটো পুতির মতাে গােলক সরিয়ে সরিয়ে গণনা শেখার বা শেখানাের গণকযন্ত্র, গণনা-যন্ত্রবিশেষ, স্তম্ভশীর্ষফলক. (2) (archit.) a slab at the top of a column, (স্থাপত্য) কোনাে স্তম্ভের উপরে বসানাে চ্যাপটা ফলক। । pl. abacuses [°ae-bo-ko-SIz অ্যাবঅকঅসিজ [Gk > L. abakos, Heb. ābāq].

Abacus English to Bengali in Oxford Dictionary

Abacus meaning in Bengali

Abacus Synonyms

electronic calculators, totalizers, pocket calculators, totalisers, adding-machine, cash register, adding machine, slide rule, FPU. micro computer, micro computers, electronic brains, mini-computer, thinking machines, mini computers. More Synonyms of Abacus.

Sentences with the word abacus.
Words that rhyme with the abacus.
What is the plural of abacus?
What is the noun for abacus?
Translations for abacus.

Difination of Abacus

  • Another contributor brought an abacus, to signal the impact the moneymen are having on the industry.
  • A young man sat against the wall doing calculations with an abacus and recording data onto paper.
  • She gazed up at the sky while clutching a large abacus in her arms as if it were a musical instrument.
  • The capital, which should be as high as the radius of the bottom of the column, is composed of an abacus, an echinus, and annulets next to the column.

Example of Abacus:

  • At the same time, there has been a revival of interest in the ancient methods of calculation, especially the use of simple and unsophisticated gadgets such as the abacus.
  • But for millions of people in the countryside, the abacus is still more common than a laptop.
  • Dr Jones believes they may have counted using the horizontal abacuses prevalent in other European nations.
  • If we could build a fully functioning quantum computer, it would represent an advance on the traditional electronic computer as big as the electronic computer represents over the abacus.
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Team MeaningKosh

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