
Occupational Therapy Schools In Florida

By Team MeaningKosh

Florida is home to many accredited occupational therapy schools. These institutions offer a variety of degree programs that prepare students to become occupational therapists who help individuals across the lifespan to achieve their personal and professional goals. Occupational therapy schools in Florida provide educational programs that include comprehensive theoretical, clinical and research instruction.

Table Of Content:

1. OT Schools
OT SchoolsFlorida OT Educational Programs · Thinking About Becoming an OT Student? · Find a School - FOTA School Listing by Level and FOTA Region.

3. Department of Occupational Therapy » College of Public Health and ...
Department of Occupational Therapy » College of Public Health and ...We appreciate your interest in the University of Florida (UF) Occupational Therapy (OT) degree programs. We offer programs of study leading to the Doctor of ...

7. Occupational Therapy | Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing ...
Occupational Therapy | Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing ...FIU Occupational Therapy's entry-level Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MS-OT) program prepares graduates by emphasizing evidence-based practice, ...

10. Find a School | AOTA
Find a School | AOTAFind an OT or OTA school. Looking for an occupational therapy or occupational therapy assistant school? Go to the Accreditation Council for Occupational ...

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy is a health care profession that helps people build, maintain or improve everyday skills needed to navigate life with confidence and independence. Its practitioners assess and treat patients using purposeful activities, such as exercise, education, self-care strategies, ergonomics and other interventions in order to promote health and wellness.

What are the educational requirements for becoming an occupational therapist?

In order to practice as an occupational therapist in Florida, you must first obtain a master's degree or doctoral degree in the field of occupational therapy from an accredited Institute. Additionally, you must pass the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy examination and obtain a license from the state of Florida.

What types of courses do I need to take during my program?

Coursework typically includes topics such as anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, psychology, human development across the lifespan and therapeutic communication techniques. Students may also be required to participate in fieldwork experiences or clinical rotations supervised by experienced practitioners.

What are the job opportunities for graduates with an occupational therapy degree?

Employment opportunities for graduates vary depending on their education level and specialization. Graduates can pursue positions at long-term care facilities; hospitals; acute care clinics; rehabilitation centers; home health agencies; school systems; public/private agencies; private practices/consulting services; sports medicine organizations; mental health clinics; research institutions; academic settings and corporate offices.

Does Florida have specific license requirements?

Yes. All occupational therapists practicing in Florida must acquire both a professional license from the State Board of Occupational Therapy Practice (SBOTP) as well as registration with The Department of Health (DOH). In addition to completing required coursework at an accredited institution, applicants must also pass a criminal background check conducted by DOH’s Office of Professional Licensing Services before receiving their license or registration.

Pursuing an education from one of the many accredited occupational therapy schools in Florida provides students with access to quality instruction that builds strong foundational skills necessary for entry into this rewarding profession. With commitment and diligence, graduates will be able to provide meaningful services within their communities while enjoying promising career advancement opportunities in diverse employment settings.


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