
Leptospirosis Meaning In Hindi

By Team MeaningKosh

Leptospirosis is a rare bacterial infection caused by the bacteria Leptospira. It is spread through contact with infected animal urine, often through water or soil that has become contaminated. In Hindi, leptospirosis is known as Nirjharna.

Table Of Content:

3. Leptospirosis: Treatment, symptoms, and types
Leptospirosis: Treatment, symptoms, and typesLeptospirosis is a potentially fatal bacterial infection that can cause ... A sudden drop in blood pressure means that insufficient blood will reach the ...

4. Weil's Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Weil's Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and TreatmentsWeil's disease is a severe form of the bacterial infection leptospirosis. ... Most cases of simple leptospirosis are mild and self-limiting, meaning they ...

6. Leptospirosis meaning in Hindi - लेप्टोस्पायरोसिस मतलब हिंदी में ...
Leptospirosis meaning in Hindi - लेप्टोस्पायरोसिस मतलब हिंदी में ...LEPTOSPIROSIS MEANING IN HINDI - EXACT MATCHES · Advertisements · OTHER RELATED WORDS · Definition of Leptospirosis · RELATED SIMILAR WORDS (Synonyms): · Information ...

7. Leptospirosis | CDC
Leptospirosis | CDCLeptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals. It is caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira. In humans, it can cause a wide range ...

8. Leptospirosis - Wikipedia
Leptospirosis - WikipediaLeptospirosis is a blood infection caused by the bacteria Leptospira. Signs and symptoms can range from none to mild to severe Weil's disease, the acute, ...

What causes leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is caused by the bacteria Leptospira. It can be spread through contact with an infected animal's urine, often through water or soil that has been contaminated.

What are the symptoms of leptospirosis?

Symptoms of leptospirosis include fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and vomiting. Other complications may include jaundice, breathing difficulties, and kidney damage.

How is leptospirosis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of leptospirosis involves testing for antibodies present in the blood that indicate exposure to the bacteria which causes it.

How is leptospirosis treated?

Treatment for leptospirosis typically involves antibiotics such as doxycycline or penicillin G which can help fight off the infection. Other medications may also be used to treat specific symptoms related to the illness.

How can I prevent getting leptospirosis?

Prevention of leptosopriosis includes avoiding direct contact with animals that may carry the infection, avoiding drinking contaminated water and wearing protective clothing when handling animals or working near potentially infected water sources and soil.

Leptosopriosis is a rare but serious bacterial infection caused by Leptospira bacteria which can be spread through contact with infected animal urine via water or soil contamination and lead to various symptoms such as fever and jaundice if left untreated. Prevention measures should be taken to avoid contracting this disease in order to maintain good health.


Team MeaningKosh

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