
Working In Italian

By Hafsa

"working in italian" at online dictionary. Definition of working in italian. What is another word for working in italian? This is the right place where you will get the proper information. What does working in italian? However, check working in italian at our online dictionary below.

Table Of Content:

8. Long-term follow-up of psychological distress following earthquake ...
Long-term follow-up of psychological distress following earthquake ...Participants are 555 Italian male factory workers from Naples, Italy. ... earthquake experiences among working Italian males: a cross-sectional analysis.

10. Biomonitoring and exposure assessment of people living near or ...
Biomonitoring and exposure assessment of people living near or ...... in a population group living close to a waste incinerator in Turin, Italy. ... exposure assessment of people living near or working at an Italian waste ...

In conclusion, we hope that you got How to say working in Italian. Still have any questions working in italian. then feel free to tell us.
