
Monkeys Or Monkies Definition And Meaning In English

By Team MeaningKosh

Monkeys are primates that belong to the kingdom Animalia. They have long tails and are considered to be one of the most intelligent animals on the planet. Monkeys live both in the wild and in captivity, and they provide us with unique insight into our own behavior. Here is a brief overview of monkeys or monkies definition and meaning.

Table Of Content:

1. Monkey | Definition of Monkey by Merriam-Webster
Monkey | Definition of Monkey by Merriam-WebsterMonkey definition is - a nonhuman primate mammal with the exception usually ... See the full definition for monkey in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

2. Monkey Definition & Meaning |
Monkey Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comMonkey definition, any of more than 250 species of simian primates ... French monne “she-ape,” Spanish, Portuguese mono “ape”) + -ke diminutive suffix ...

3. Monkey Around | Definition of Monkey Around by Merriam-Webster
Monkey Around | Definition of Monkey Around by Merriam-WebsterMonkey around definition is - to do things that are not useful or serious : to waste time. How to use ... Nglish: Translation of monkey around for Spanish Speakers ...

6. Monkey business Definition & Meaning |
Monkey business Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comOrigin of monkey business · Words nearby monkey business · Words related to monkey business · How to use monkey business in a sentence · British Dictionary  ...

7. Monkey - Wikipedia
Monkey - WikipediaMonkey is a common name that may refer to certain groups or species of simian mammals of ... According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word "monkey" may originate in a German version of the ... In English, no very clear distinction was originally made between "ape" and "monkey"; thus the 1911 Encyclopædia ...

What is a monkey?

A monkey is a type of primate belonging to the kingdom Animalia. They have long tails and are typically more intelligent than other animals.

Where do monkeys live?

Monkeys can live in both wild and captive environments. In the wild, they usually inhabit jungles and tropical regions, while those in captivity are often kept as pets or for research purposes.

What kind of behavior do monkeys demonstrate?

Monkeys exhibit a wide range of behaviors depending on their species, ranging from social interaction to learning how to use tools. Some species even display traits associated with human-like emotions, such as empathy and cooperation.

Are there any benefits to keeping monkeys in captivity?

Yes, there are many potential benefits associated with keeping monkeys in captivity such as providing an opportunity for research into their behavior, diet, and physiology which can help inform conservation efforts.

How many different species of monkeys exist?

There are over 260 known species of monkey spread around the world, so there is plenty of variety for anyone interested in studying these fascinating creatures!

Monkeys have been captivating humans for centuries due to their intelligence and complex social behaviors. From petting zoos to scientific labs, understanding their definition and meaning allows us to better appreciate this wonderful species that graces our planet!


Team MeaningKosh

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