
Hematoma English Definition And Meaning In English

By Team MeaningKosh

A hematoma is a swelling of clotted blood that forms in an area of the body due to tissue trauma. These swellings can occur anywhere on the body, although they are most commonly found on the skin. They can be painful and may require medical treatment in more serious cases.

Table Of Content:

1. Hematoma | Definition of Hematoma by Merriam-Webster
Hematoma | Definition of Hematoma by Merriam-WebsterMore Definitions for hematoma. hematoma. noun. he·​ma·​to·​ma. variants: or chiefly British haematoma \ -​ˈtō-​mə \. plural hematomas also hematomata\ ...

5. Bruise | Definition of Bruise by Merriam-Webster
Bruise | Definition of Bruise by Merriam-WebsterEnglish Language Learners Definition of bruise · a dark and painful area on your skin that is caused by an injury · a dark area on a plant or piece of fruit that has ...

6. Hematoma - definition of hematoma by The Free Dictionary
Hematoma - definition of hematoma by The Free DictionaryA localized swelling filled with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © ...

8. Haematoma Definition & Meaning |
Haematoma Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comHaematoma definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!

9. HAEMATOMA | Definition of HAEMATOMA by Oxford Dictionary on ...
HAEMATOMA | Definition of HAEMATOMA by Oxford Dictionary on ...nounplural noun haematomas, plural noun haematomata/ˌhiːmətəˈtəʊmə/ ... A solid swelling of clotted blood within the tissues. 'Skin hemorrhages in the form of ...

10. Bruise Definition & Meaning |
Bruise Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comBritish Dictionary definitions for bruise. bruise. / (bruːz) / ... Old English brӯsan, of Celtic origin; compare Irish brūigim I bruise.

What are the signs and symptoms of a hematoma?

The main symptom of a hematoma is swelling at the site of injury. Also, you may notice bruising, tingling, redness, heat, or discoloration at the site. Additionally, blood may also be visible under your skin.

How is a hematoma treated?

Depending on the size and severity of the injury, treatment for a hematoma may vary. In some cases, ice and compression can help reduce swelling and pain. If necessary, surgery may be required to drain any pooled blood from the affected area.

Is it possible for a hematoma to cause further complications?

Yes, in some cases depending on how large or deep the injury is, complications from a hematoma can occur such as infection or nerve damage. It’s important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have suffered from a serious hematoma.

Hematomas are swellings that form when blood vessels are damaged due to trauma and cause clotted blood to accumulate underneath the skin’s surface. While often not severe and able to heal on their own with minimal intervention, some more serious cases can result in further complications like infection or nerve damage if not properly treated. Therefore it’s important that anyone displaying symptoms seek medical attention as soon as possible.


Team MeaningKosh

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