
Encumbered Meaning

By Hafsa

"encumbered meaning" at online dictionary. Definition of encumbered meaning. What is another word for encumbered meaning? This is the right place where you will get the proper information. What does encumbered meaning? However, check encumbered meaning at our online dictionary below.

Table Of Content:

1. Encumber | Definition of Encumber by Merriam-Webster
Encumber | Definition of Encumber by Merriam-WebsterDefinition of encumber · 1 : weigh down, burden tourists encumbered by heavy luggage · 2 : to impede or hamper the function or activity of : hinder negotiations ...

3. Encumber Definition & Meaning |
Encumber Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comencumber · to impede or hinder; hamper; retard: Red tape encumbers all our attempts at action. · to block up or fill with what is obstructive or superfluous: a ...

4. Encumbered - definition of encumbered by The Free Dictionary
Encumbered - definition of encumbered by The Free Dictionaryen·cum·ber · 1. To cause to have difficulty in moving or in accomplishing something; burden: a hiker encumbered with a heavy pack; a student encumbered with ...

9. encumbered - Dictionary Definition :
encumbered - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.comEncumbered means restricted or burdened. It's tricky to take photographs outside in the winter when you're encumbered with thick gloves and layers of coats ...

Finally, you got the answer of encumbered meaning in this article. We update details about Encumber | Definition of Encumber by Merriam-Webster. Thank you for reading.
