
Date Code Meaning

By Team MeaningKosh

The date code 20200903 represents a date in the YYYYMMDD format. This code can be broken down into year, month and day components to produce the date September 3rd, 2020.

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7. Zippo - Date Codes | Zippo USA
Zippo - Date Codes | Zippo USAAs with most collectibles, the date of manufacture of a Zippo lighter often ... The date code has since become an invaluable tool for Zippo collectors.

What is the meaning of YYYYMMDD?

YYYYMMDD is an abbreviation meaning "year, month, day." It is commonly used to represent dates in numerals.

How does 20200903 represent a date?

The first four digits (2020) represent the year, then two digits for the month (09) and last two digits for the day (03). This produces a date of September 3rd, 2020.

Is this always how numerical dates are presented?

Not always. Other formats such as MM/DD/YY may also be used to represent dates numerically.

In summary, 20200903 is a numerical representation of the date September 3rd, 2020 in the YYYYMMDD format. This is just one example of how numerical dates can be represented and others exist as well.


Team MeaningKosh

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