
Como Se Escribe Hija En Ingles

By Team MeaningKosh

Hija is a Spanish word that means daughter. Knowing how to say this in English will help you communicate with others more effectively. This explanation will provide an overview of how to say hija in English and answer some relevant FAQs about the topic.

Table Of Content:

8. Translate "hija" from Spanish to English - Interglot Mobile
Wiktionary · female child. daughter; → hija; · a female or male child, a daughter or son. child; → hijo; hija; ...

10. Cómo decir "hija" en inglés - YouTube
Cómo decir Oct 19, 2017 ... Cómo se dice correctamente hija en inglés? Escuche con nosotros.¿Cuál es la traducción correcta de la palabra hija del español al inglés?

How do you spell hija in English?

The spelling for hija in English is "daughter".

What does hija mean?

Hija is the Spanish word for daughter.

Is there a plural form of hija?

Yes, the plural form of hija is hijas, which also translates to daughters in English.

How do you pronounce hija in English?

In English, hija is pronounced as "dahter", emphasizing the first syllable and having a soft, short sound on the end.

Understanding how to say hija in English is useful for communication with people whose primary or only language is speaking and understanding Spanish or other Romance languages. Knowing the correct spelling, pronunciation and usage can expand your ability to convey ideas and feelings more effectively when interacting with others.


Team MeaningKosh

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