
Act 235 Certification Basic Combat Training

By Team MeaningKosh

Act 235 Certification Basic Combat Training is a training program designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to be certified as a basic combatant in Pennsylvania. The training program consists of classroom instruction, practical exercises, and defensive tactics simulation drills.

Table Of Content:

9. Certification Steps - PA Act 235 Testing
Certification Steps - PA Act 235 Testing... of Pennsylvania's Act 235 Lethal Weapons Certification Training Program. ... Step 1: Go to the PA State Police website, follow the steps for Basic ...

What topics are covered in this certification?

During this certification, participants will learn about the fundamentals of self-defense strategies, firearms safety, use of force principles, legal considerations related to a self-defense situation, tactical maneuvers and other relevant topics.

What qualifications are required to participate in this certification?

Participants must be at least 18 years old and have no criminal record or adverse legal action. Additionally they must have no physical or mental disability that could prevent them from performing the necessary duties involved in the training program.

Is there an assessment associated with this certification?

At the conclusion of the training program, participants will take an assessment which evaluates their level of understanding of all material covered during the course. Those who pass the assessment will receive Act 235 Certification for Basic Combat Training.

of the training program, participants will take an assessment which evaluates their level of understanding of all material covered during the course. Those who pass the assessment will receive Act 235 Certification for Basic Combat Training. [END] Conclusion: Act 235 Certification Basic Combat Training is an excellent opportunity for those looking to be certified as a basic combatant in Pennsylvania. This comprehensive training program covers all of the topics one needs to know in order to PASS the assessmemt and receive their certification.


Team MeaningKosh

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