
A Pathetic Definition And Meaning In English

By Team MeaningKosh

The concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy is one that has been known and studied for many years. It refers to a situation in which a person's expectations, beliefs or attitudes lead them to behave in ways that ultimately fulfill their own predictions. By doing so, they create an outcome that meets their initial expectations. This essay will explain the definition and meaning of a self-fulfilling prophecy and provide relevant FAQs regarding the topic.

Table Of Content:

4. Pathetic Definition & Meaning |
Pathetic Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comPathetic definition, causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: Conditions at the refugee camp were far more pathetic than ...

6. PATHETIC | Definition of PATHETIC by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico ...
PATHETIC | Definition of PATHETIC by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico ...1Arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness. 'she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her'. More example sentences.

7. Pitiful Definition & Meaning |
Pitiful Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com1, 2. Pitiful, pitiable, piteous apply to that which excites pity (with compassion or with contempt). That which is pitiful is touching and excites pity or is mean and ...

9. Pathetic fallacy Definition & Meaning |
Pathetic fallacy Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comPathetic fallacy definition, the endowment of nature, inanimate objects, etc., with human traits and feelings, as in the smiling skies; the angry sea. See more.

What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?

A self-fulfilling prophecy is a statement or belief that, simply by being expressed or held, the person eventually believes it to be true. Through their behavior, they create an outcome that meets their initial expectations.

How does a self-fulfilling prophecy work?

A self-fulfilling prophecy works when someone has expectations about what will happen, acts in accordance with these predictions, and then creates the predicted outcome through their own actions. For example, if someone expects not to succeed at something and so puts little effort into it, then this lack of effort may make it more likely that they won't achieve success.

Are there any drawbacks to believing in self-fulfilling prophecies?

Yes. While someone might believe they can positively influence their future by holding certain expectations of themselves or others, such as expecting success or predicting failure in certain situations, this may also limit their potential growth and development as well as limit others’ opportunities too if they are subject to their predictions (in terms of making decisions). As such, rather than making unrealistic predictions about what will happen ahead of time, it may be better to remain open to surprises while still taking appropriate action where necessary in order to reach goals.

Can changing one's attitude affect whether a self-fulfilling prophecy occurs?

Yes. One's attitude can have an impact on whether a self-fulfilling prophecy occurs since having positive expectations about oneself can often lead them towards success whereas having negative expectations can lead them towards failure or vice versa depending on the situation at hand. Therefore by changing one's attitude and instead expecting positive outcomes this could help prevent any potential negative outcomes from happening instead due to holding pessimistic views beforehand.

In conclusion, understanding what a self-fulfilling prophecy is can help people recognize how and why certain things come into fruition and avoid creating circumstances based off false prophecies from occurring in the future. Overall maintaining an open mind towards different situations while at the same time remaining aware of your beliefs and attitudes are key when dealing with potential findings related to this concept.


Team MeaningKosh

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