
What Does Fanatic Mean

By Team MeaningKosh

The term ‘fanatic’ (also known as a fanatic) is used to describe a person with intense enthusiasm or excessive devotion to an activity, belief, or cause. It can also refer to an individual who is unshakably devoted or committed to a particular idea or ideology.

Table Of Content:

1. Fanatic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Fanatic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-WebsterThe meaning of FANATIC is a person exhibiting excessive enthusiasm and intense uncritical devotion toward some controversial matter (as in religion or ...

3. Fanatic Definition & Meaning |
Fanatic Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comWhat does fanatic mean? ... A fanatic is a person with an extreme and often unquestioning enthusiasm, devotion, or zeal for something, such as a religion, ...

5. Fanatical Definition & Meaning |
Fanatical Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comWhat does fanatical mean? ... Fanatical means having and being motivated by an extreme and often unquestioning enthusiasm, devotion, or zeal for something, such ...

6. Fanatic Definitions | What does fanatic mean? | Best 7 Definitions of ...
Fanatic definition · A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause. · Fanatical. · A person whose extreme zeal, piety, etc.

7. Fanaticism Definition & Meaning |
Fanaticism Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comWhat does fanaticism mean? ... Fanaticism is an extreme and often unquestioning enthusiasm, devotion, or zeal for something, such as a religion, political stance, ...

9. Fanatic - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |
Fanatic - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.comfanatic Add to list Share · noun. a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause). “"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the ...

10. Fanaticism - Wikipedia
Fanaticism - WikipediaFanaticism is a belief or behavior involving uncritical zeal or an obsessive enthusiasm. Philosopher George Santayana defines fanaticism as "redoubling your ...

What does it mean when someone is described as 'fanatic'?

When someone is described as being a 'fanatic', it generally means that they are extremely devoted and passionate about something in particular, such as a cause, hobby, or lifestyle. They may also have strong beliefs and opinions on the matter that they are unwilling to compromise on.

Is there a difference between being passionate and being fanatical?

Yes, there is a difference between being passionate and being fanatical. Whereas passion implies having strong feelings towards something, being fanatical can go further than this - often resulting in excessive zeal or obsessive behaviour, even at the expense of others.

Is it possible for someone to be simultaneously passionate and fanatical?

While being both passionate and fanatical at the same time may seem counter-intuitive given their contrasting meanings, it is indeed possible for someone to exhibit both traits. In this situation, the individual would likely be fiercely devoted to both their causes, hobbies and beliefs in equal measure.

In conclusion, fanaticism typically refers to an extreme level of enthusiasm towards something which can manifest itself in either positive or negative ways depending on its application. It should not be confused with passion however – although it is possible for an individual to possess both traits simultaneously.


Team MeaningKosh

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