
Swimming Glossary

By Hafsa

Swimming is a popular sport and recreational activity that is enjoyed by people of all ages. Understanding the common terminology used when discussing swimming can help to make conversations about swimming more informative and enjoyable. Here is a glossary of common swimming terms and their definitions to help you better understand this exciting sport.

Table Of Content:

1. Glossary of Swimming Terms — Out To Swim
Glossary of Swimming Terms — Out To SwimGlossary of Terms · 'A' Stroke - Your best stroke, often FC, but can be others · Aerobic Longer distance, moderate intensity, short rest period swimming sets that ...

What does AP stand for?

AP stands for All-Purpose, which is a swimming style in which the arms are kept close together overhead with an alternating flutter kick.

What is a butterfly stroke?

The butterfly stroke is one of the four competitive swim strokes used in competitive swimming. It involves propelling yourself through the water by doing a simultaneous dolphin kick while performing an over arm recovery with your arms.

What does PB mean?

PB stands for Personal Best, which refers to an individual or team's best performance on a given event in a swim meet setting.

With this glossary of swimming terms, you now have a greater understanding of the various aspects associated with this popular sport. From learning how to do different strokes to being able to recognize common terminology during competitions, having these definitions can greatly enhance your time spent in the pool.
