
Submarine In German

By Team MeaningKosh

"submarine in german" meaning in Hindi at online dictionary. Definition of submarine in german. What is another word for submarine in german? This is the right place where you will get the proper information. What does submarine in german meaning in Hindi? However, check submarine in german meaning in Hindi at our online dictionary below.

Table Of Content:

1. U-boat - Wikipedia
U-boat - Wikipedialisten), a shortening of Unterseeboot ('under-sea-boat'), though the German term refers to any submarine. Austro-Hungarian Navy submarines were also known as U- ...

3. U-boat | German submarine | Britannica
U-boat | German submarine | BritannicaU-boat, German U-boot, abbreviation of Unterseeboot, (“undersea boat”), a German submarine. The destruction of enemy shipping by German U-boats was a ...

In conclusion, we hope that you got U-boat - Wikipedia. Still have any questions submarine in german. then feel free to tell us.


Team MeaningKosh

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