
Somalia English Dictionary

By Team MeaningKosh

The Somalia English Dictionary is a comprehensive guide to the English words and phrases used in the Somali language. This dictionary contains thousands of words and phrases, including slang and regional dialect. It also provides an efficient way to easily look up unfamiliar terms used in Somali conversations.

Table Of Content:

2. Somali Definition & Meaning |
Somali Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comSave This Word! noun, plural So·ma·lis, (especially collectively) So·ma·li. a member of a Hamitic population showing an admixture of Arab, Black, and other ...

3. English-Somali Dictionary | Migration Stories
English-Somali Dictionary. While the dictionary below defaults to alphabetizing by English, you can sort by Somali (Af soomaali) or by category (jaad) by ...

7. Reflections on R. C. Abraham's Somali-English Dictionary
Roy C. Abraham is the author of the Somali-English Dictionary (1964) and. English-Somali Dictionary (1967), and though he completed the first, he died.

9. Somali definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Somali definition and meaning | Collins English DictionarySomali means of, relating to, or characteristic of Somalia, the Somalis, or their language. American English: Somali /səˈmɑli/; Arabic: صُومَالِيّ; Brazilian ...

10. Somalia in English is “SOMALIA”. Find accurate translations, clear ...
Somalia in English is “SOMALIA”. Find accurate translations, clear ...Translation of Somalia in English: Somalia. Somalia, n. Definition of Somalia ( US English | UK English ). feminine noun. 1. Somalia.

What type of dictionary is the Somalia English Dictionary?

The Somalia English Dictionary is a comprehensive guide to the English words and phrases used in the Somali language.

Does this dictionary provide translations for different dialects?

Yes, this dictionary includes slang and regional dialects as well as more common English phrases used in Somali conversations.

How can I quickly look up unfamiliar terms?

The Somalia English Dictionary provides an easy search tool on its website that allows you to quickly look up unfamiliar terms.

Is this dictionary available in any other languages besides English?

No, at present, this dictionary only contains words and phrases in the English language.

Are there any fees associated with using this dictionary?

No, access to the Somalia English Dictionary is completely free.

The Somalia English Dictionary offers a comprehensive guide for anyone looking for help understanding the Somali language or seeking to learn more about it. With over thousands of words and phrases ranging from slang to regional dialects, this dictionary provides an efficient way of looking up unfamiliar terms used in everyday conversations.


Team MeaningKosh

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