
Prefix Of Able

By Hafsa

The prefix "able" is a very versatile one, used to create adjectives that mean to have the power, skill, or ability to do something. This prefix can be found in many words across the English language, and understanding its meaning and usage can help you break down larger words and understand them more easily.

Table Of Content:

4. Able Definition & Meaning |
Able Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.coma suffix meaning “capable of, susceptible of, fit for, tending to, given to,” associated in meaning with the word able, occurring in loanwords from Latin ( ...

What does the prefix "able" mean?

The prefix "able" is a very versatile one, used to create adjectives that mean to have the power, skill, or ability to do something.

How is the prefix "able" used?

The prefix "able" is used to create adjectives from other words. It can be added onto nouns, verbs, or other adjectives to describe one's capability of doing something. For example, adding “able” onto the verb “understand” creates the adjective “understandable."

What are some examples of words with the prefix "able"?

Some examples of words with the prefix “able” are adaptable, capable, understandable and knowledgeable.

Are there any exceptions to using this prefix?

Yes; while most words with “-able” at the end are created using this same constructional pattern (adding -able onto another word), there are some exceptions such as “ashamed” or “unthinkable." In these cases it is important to consult a dictionary for further explanation of their usage.

All in all, understanding what this common English language prefix means and how it can be used in various settings will make your writing clearer and more effective. With practice you'll soon be able to identify and decode complex words quickly and accurately.
