
Edheads Deep Brain Stimulation

By Team MeaningKosh

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical procedure used to treat movement disorders and other neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, and essential tremor. It is a safe and reversible treatment that uses electrical impulses to stimulate targeted parts of the brain to prevent abnormal behaviors and restore normal function.

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1. Edheads
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EdheadsEdheads won the Kids at Play Interactive (KAPi) Award for Best Children's Web site or Service for Deep Brain Stimulation. Feb 2010.

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Edheads Virtual Knee Surgery #2 - e-Learning @ Clearly Trained | E ...Sep 21, 2015 - Edheads Virtual Knee Surgery #2 - e-Learning @ Clearly Trained. ... Shave the patient's head for deep brain stimulation surgery.

How does deep brain stimulation work?

Deep brain stimulation works by sending precise electrical signals to specific areas of the brain in order to block or regulate certain nerve signals that cause abnormal movements or behaviors. The surgeon implants tiny electrodes into the patient’s brain, which are connected to a small device placed under the skin just beneath the collarbone. This device sends continuous electrical pulses from outside the body, through insulated wires that travel under the skin, directly to electrodes inside the skull.

What conditions can be treated with DBS?

DBS can be used to treat a number of conditions including Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, essential tremor, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Tourette syndrome, cluster headache, and depression.

Is DBS surgery safe?

Yes, deep brain stimulation surgery is generally very safe for most patients when performed by an experienced neurosurgeon. Complications are rare but can include infection at the surgical site or bleeding in the brain. Possible side effects include drowsiness or confusion while adjusting to new settings on the stimulator device and temporary changes in mood or behavior.

Is there any downtime after surgery?

Yes, patients typically need several days of rest after surgery so their bodies can heal properly. Physical therapy may also be required after surgery in order to help restore strength and coordination.

What are some long-term benefits of deep brain stimulation?

Some of the long-term benefits of DBS include improved motor function and quality of life for those suffering from movement disorders; increased dopamine production for Parkinson's disease; reduced symptoms related to OCD; improved control over tics from Tourette's; decreased migraine frequency; reduction in depression severity; improved balance problems caused by multiple sclerosis; relief from chronic pain due to nerve damage; and improved quality of sleep for people with restless leg syndrome (RLS).

Deep Brain Stimulation is a safe and effective treatment option for many neurological conditions that have not responded well to medication or other treatments. It has been shown to significantly improve motor functioning and quality of life while providing relief from symptoms associated with various neurological disorders. While there may be some risks involved with this type of surgery, they are minimal compared with potential long-term benefits it can provide patients battling serious neurological conditions.


Team MeaningKosh

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