
Duty Calls Meaning

By Team MeaningKosh

Duty Calls is an idiom that symbolizes a responsibility or obligation to respond to a higher calling. It may be used to describe someone who must put their own desires aside in order to attend to something more important, or it may refer to the importance of fulfilling obligations related to your job or volunteer work.

Table Of Content:

3. Duty calls - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Duty calls - Idioms by The Free DictionaryA phrase used to indicate that one must return to work or do a particular task. Well, it was nice chatting with you, but duty calls—I've got to get back to ...

5. Duty calls! - Idioms by The Free Dictionary!
Duty calls! - Idioms by The Free DictionaryA phrase used to indicate that one must return to work or do a particular task. Well, it was nice chatting with you, but duty calls—I've got to get back to ...

6. Duty Calls - xkcd
Duty Calls - xkcdThis means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). More details.

What does Duty Calls mean?

Duty Calls is an idiom that symbolizes a responsibility or obligation to respond to a higher calling. It may be used to describe someone who must put their own desires aside in order to attend to something more important, or it may refer to the importance of fulfilling obligations related to your job or volunteer work.

Is there power behind Duty Calls?

Yes, by responding positively and with determination and conviction when Duty Calls, one can demonstrate strength and leadership qualities while inspiring others around them.

What are some examples of when Duty Calls?

Examples of when one may hear "Duty Calls" could include being called up for military service, being appointed as leader of a project at work, helping in times of crisis or disaster relief, or volunteering with charities and community organizations.

In sum, Duty Calls is an idiom used for situations where someone must take on an important and serious task. By responding positively and with determination when Duty Calls can demonstrate strength and leadership qualities while inspiring others around them.


Team MeaningKosh

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