
Compulsory Education Definition

By Team MeaningKosh

Compulsory education refers to policies that make it mandatory for children of certain ages to receive a formal education. By requiring attendance at school, society strengthens its educational system and helps students become literate and gain knowledge. This can help a nation build its economy and expand opportunities for citizens.

Table Of Content:
Compulsory Education Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.Compulsory education refers to a period of educational attendance required of all students. The period of compulsory education is often determined by the ...

5. Compulsory education Definition - OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms
Jan 30, 2003 ... Definition: The legal age from which children are no longer compelled to attend school (e.g., 15th birthday). The ending age of compulsory ...

What is compulsory education?

Compulsory education is the act of making formal education compulsory for children of certain ages, in order to promote learning and literacy.

Who does compulsory education apply to?

Compulsory education typically applies to children between the ages of 7-16 years old, although some countries may vary slightly in terms of age requirements.

What are the benefits of compulsory education?

Compulsory education encourages students to pursue learning opportunities, which strengthens a nation’s educational system and increases literacy among citizens. It also helps build economic opportunities by providing citizens with additional skillsets and knowledge.

By mandating school attendance, compulsory education provides multiple benefits including increased literacy rates, economic opportunities, and educational systems strengthen nation-wide. Children are given valuable resources necessary to succeed academically while nations gain long term economic rewards that last far beyond adolescence.


Team MeaningKosh

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