
Como Se Dice En Ingles

By Team MeaningKosh

Como se dice en ingles is a phrase that is used to ask how to say something in English. It is a phrase used by Spanish speakers who are learning English as their second language. The phrase can also be used by those who want to find out how to quickly and accurately translate phrases or words from Spanish into English.

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What does "Como se dice en ingles" mean?

The literal translation of "Como se dice en ingles" is "How do you say it in English". This phrase is typically used by Spanish speakers when trying to learn English as their second language, or when they need a quick and accurate translation of a word or phrase from Spanish into English.

Is the phrase como se dice en ingles only used for translating Spanish?

No, the phrase como se dice en ingles can be used to translate any language into English. For example, if someone wanted to translate French words into English they would ask “como se dice en ingles” and then provide the French word before the question mark.

How do you answer someone who uses como se dice en ingles?

If someone uses the phrase “como se dice en ingles” when asking you how to say something in English, then you should simply give them the accurate translation of what it is they are asking. For example, if someone were trying to translate the Spanish word mariposa into English, then your response should be “butterfly” or “mariposa = butterfly” .

Who commonly uses this phrase?

This phrase is most commonly used by native Spanish speakers who are trying to learn English as a second language, though people of all backgrounds may use the phrase if they need help translating words or phrases from other languages into English.

When might someone use como se dice en Ingles?

Someone might use this phrase any time they need help translating something from another language into English. They might use it in a classroom setting when speaking with an instructor or fellow student, in an informal conversation with friends or family members, or even online when asking questions on web forums like Reddit.

Ultimately, como se dice en Ingles is an incredibly useful term for anyone looking for help translating words or phrases from other languages into English. Whether someone needs help understanding a foreign language text message, movie subtitle, or anything else—como se dice en Ingles can provide them with the information they need!


Team MeaningKosh

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