
Celebrate Recovery Step 4 Inventory Worksheet

By Team MeaningKosh

Step 4 of Celebrate Recovery is a worksheet used to help an individual take personal inventory of their wrongs. The step 4 worksheet asks the individual to identify patterns and tendencies, guilt, resentments and fear that relate to their wrongdoings.

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4. 4th step examples | 12 step recovery worksheets, Celebrate ...
4th step examples | 12 step recovery worksheets, Celebrate ...Sep 22, 2019 - Step 4 AA - learn how to do the 4th step inventory in AA. Changing Tides Treatment can help guide you on your journey to recovery.

How does a Step 4 inventory work?

Step 4 inventory helps identify patterns, tendencies, guilt, resentments, and fear related to one's wrong doings. It is important for individuals to be completely honest in this process so they can address the issues that need attention. Once identified, individuals can move on to make amends for their wrongs as part of working through the 12-steps of Celebrate Recovery.

What should an individual include in their Step 4 inventory?

When completing Step 4, an individual should thoroughly examine their character defects and any behavioral weaknesses they have identified. They should also examine any longstanding resentments they have and any irrational fears they are holding onto. Additionally, they should look at all areas of their life where there is guilt or regret lingering from past damaging actions or behaviors.

Can someone complete the Step 4 inventory on their own?

Yes - while it may be beneficial to work with a sponsor while going through this process, it is not necessary. Individuals can work through the steps without the help of another person if needed; however it is important to be honest with oneself and willing to look at all possible fault points that need attention within oneself during this exercise.

The Step 4 inventory worksheet assists an individual in taking responsibility for their wrongdoings by helping them identify patterns and tendencies connected to them along with guilt, resentments and fear. This exercise helps lay the foundation for making amends for one’s wrongs during Celebrate Recovery as part of working towards 12-step recovery.


Team MeaningKosh

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