
Can You Start A Sentence With Also

By Team MeaningKosh

Starting a sentence with “also” is an effective way to add additional information or connect one thought to another within the same sentence. It can be used in both formal and informal writing, depending on the context.

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When should I use “also” to start a sentence?

You should use “also” when you want to provide additional information or make a comparison that helps to emphasize your point. It is generally best used towards the end of a sentence as it provides an extra layer of nuance.

Is it grammatically correct to start a sentence with “also”?

Yes, it is grammatically correct to start a sentence with “also” as long as it is clear what you are referring back to. It should not be overused, however, since it can make your writing sound repetitive.

How can I use “also” effectively in my writing?

To ensure that you are using “also” effectively in your writing, make sure that it always adds something useful and relevant to the point you are making. Additionally, try not to start too many sentences with this word in order to keep your writing varied and interesting for readers.

While starting sentences with "also" can help emphasize certain points, it's important not to overuse this construction so that your writing does not sound monotonous or repetitive. By using "also" judiciously, you can bring clarity and emphasis to any piece of writing.


Team MeaningKosh

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